Updating Physical Transporter Manually

Product version: 10.11.3

Last modified: 21 October 2024


After the auto-update failure, the Transporter becomes inaccessible.


If the director is unable to send the updated package physically due to auto-update failure, the Transporter becomes inaccessible and thus cannot be updated automatically.


The inaccessible Transporter needs to be updated manually. To do this, do the following:

1. Back up the bhsvc.id and certificate.pem files to a different location.

2. Uninstall the Transporter from the physical machine.

3. Install the Transporter manually.

4. Stop the Transporter service.

5. Copy the bhsvc.id and certificate.pem files back to the Transporter folder.

6. Start the Transporter service.

7. Edit the Transporter on the Nodes page.

8. Click Connect > Accept.

9. Click Apply when you are done.