Expert Mode
For advanced NAKIVO Backup & Replication configuration, you can enable the Expert mode.
To do this, take the following steps:
Log in to your NAKIVO Backup & Replication instance.
Add the word “expert” to the URL parameters of the Settings page.
Click the Expert tab.
Configuring Settings
To configure advanced product settings, make the necessary changes in the following parameters:
Parameters |
Description |
Possible Values | |
Specifies how to determine the name of the localhost that is used in the SMTP HELO or EHLO commands. |
| |
Specifies the name of the localhost that is used in the SMTP HELO or EHLO commands. This setting is valid for custom hostname resolution mode only. |
| |
Specifies the TLS version to use for SMTP server communication when TLS is configured in the Email Settings. |
| |
List of event names to skip when creating an email digest. Use space or "," or ";" as separators. The event names can be found in events.log. |
Event names (example: error60) |
system.vmware.esxi.ssh.port |
For VMware only. Specifies the SSH port to connect to ESXi (global setting). |
| |
For VMware only. When enabled, the system does not check VMware Tools outdated status when creating quiescing snapshot. |
system.vmware.skip.tag.discovery |
VMware only. When enabled, the system does not discover VMware Tags. This is applied to all tenants. |
system.debug.mode.log.vmware.api.incoming.requests |
VMware only. When enabled, the incoming message will be printed for VIJAVA API received response. The option only works if system.debug.mode.enabled is checked. |
system.debug.mode.log.vmware.api.outgoing.requests |
VMware only. When enabled, the outgoing message will be printed for VIJAVA API sent request. The option only works if system.debug.mode.enabled is checked. |
http.max.upload.size |
Specifies the max upload size for file upload operations, bytes (global setting). If multiple files are uploaded, this is the total size. Use -1 for unlimited. |
system.auth.use.lockout |
Enables or disables the login lockout feature. When enabled, the offending IP address is not allowed to login after several failed attempts. |
system.auth.max.login.attempt.count |
Specifies the maximum number of failed login attempts to trigger the login lockout feature for the offending IP. |
system.auth.lockout.timeout |
Specifies the timeout (minutes) for the login lockout feature. The offending IP is allowed to login again after the timeout expires. |
system.auth.login.history.period |
Specifies the period (minutes) to calculate the maximum number of failed login attempts for the login lockout feature. |
| |
Defines LDAP/Active Directory behavior for referrals. When set to follow, all referrals are resolved (can be slow); otherwise they are ignored.
| |
Specifies the timeout (miliseconds) for connecting LDAP/Active Directory. |
| |
Specifies the timeout (miliseconds) for reading LDAP/Active Directory operations. |
system.auth.max.login.2fa.attempt.count |
Specifies the attempts for the login lockout feature. The offending IP is allowed to login again after the timeout expires. |
system.auth.lockout.2fa.timeout |
Specifies the timeout (minutes) for the login lockout feature. The offending IP is allowed to login again after the timeout expires. |
system.job.block.size |
Select block size for processing data.
| |
The scope to search for the existing backup when adding a new source item to the job. |
system.job.pool.queue.length |
Specifies the length of the job queue. A job is placed in a queue before execution. Requires restart. |
system.job.pool.thread.min |
Specifies the minimum thread pool size for jobs. A job requires 1 thread from the job pool to start running. Requires restart. |
system.job.pool.thread.max |
Specifies the maximum thread pool size for jobs. A job requires 1 thread from the job pool to start running. When the pool thread limit is reached, the job is placed in the job queue. Requires restart. If using Linux and systemd, please add the following to the service startup script: TasksMax=infinity |
| |
If set, sends the source and/or target host hostname as is to Transporter. Transporter will resolve the hostname to the IP address(es) and check if it is reachable. This is done during the Transporter to host checks on a job run. The default behavior is to do the resolution locally and send the IP addresses to Transporter. This can be a problem in complex network topologies (VPN, etc). |
system.job.resolve.transporter.hostname.on.transporter |
If set, sends the source and/or target Transporter hostname as is to Transporter. Transporter will resolve the hostname to the IP address(es) and check if it is reachable. This is done during Transporter to Transporter checks on job run. The default behavior is to do the resolution locally, get hostnames for all resolved IP addresses, and then send them to Transporter. This can be a problem in complex network topologies (VPN, etc). |
system.job.bandwidth.throttling.source |
If set, applies bandwidth throttling for data reading from source. |
| |
If set, applies bandwidth throttling for data writing to target. |
| |
If set, applies bandwidth throttling for data transfer between source and target. |
| |
If set, new disks added to the source item will not be added to the job automatically. |
system.job.replica.vm.suffix |
The default suffix to append to replica VMs. This setting is global and can only be changed inside the master tenant. |
Can be between 1 and 20 characters ("-replica" by default) |
system.job.recovered.vm.suffix |
The default suffix to append to recovered/flash-booted VMs. This setting is global and can only be changed inside the master tenant. |
Can be between 1 and 20 characters ("-recovered" by default) | |
If set, transporter data path validation will be skipped for manually configured transporters. |
| |
Disables EC2 instance ID detection on product startup. The detection is done via a HTTP request to This is required for proper product functioning in the AWS cloud. |
system.task.pool.queue.length |
Specifies the length of the task queue. A task is placed in the queue before execution. Requires restart. |
system.task.pool.thread.min |
Specifies the minimum thread pool size for tasks. A task requires 1 thread from the task pool to start running. Task example: repository refresh, Transporter refresh, support bundle creation. Requires restart. |
system.task.pool.thread.max |
Specifies the maximum thread pool size for tasks. A task requires 1 thread from the task pool to start running. When the pool thread limit is reached, the task is placed in the task queue. Task example: repository refresh, Transporter refresh, support bundle creation. Requires restart. |
| |
Specifies the minimum free space (bytes) for the repository. If the free space goes below this value, an alarm is generated. |
| |
Specifies the minimum free space (percent) for the Backup repository. If the free space goes below this value, an alarm is generated. |
| |
In case the free space is less than the set percentage of the total current storage, one minimum chunk will be added to the storage. |
| |
In case the free space is more than the set percentage of the total current storage, one minimum chunk will be removed from the storage. |
system.repository.maintenance.interrupt.timeout.seconds |
Specifies the timeout (seconds) to wait for repository maintenance stop during job run. |
system.repository.refresh.backup.size.calculation |
Specifies the backup size calculation on the repository refreshing. True: Always calculates backup size. False: Skips backup size calculation and only calculates backup size with necessary backups. |
system.repository.refresh.timeout.seconds |
Specifies the timeout (seconds) to wait for repository refresh. |
| |
The setting allows to remove backup objects associated with existing jobs, and remove the last RP of a backup object in case such RP is due to be removed according to the retention policy. If enabled, removal of the aforesaid objects can be done manually or automatically, in accordance with the configured retention policy. |
system.product.skip.update.server.ssl.certificate.verification |
The product update check process requires the remote server certificate to be trusted. This parameter disables such check. It can be useful when secure (SSL/TLS) connections are being intercepted by third-party software.A product restart is required to apply. |
system.debug.mode.enabled |
The debug mode prints more information into the logs, including some sensitive one (hardware UUIDs, MAC addresses, etc). The passwords are not printed unless they are present in raw communication dumps (e.g., SOAP/XML/JSON). |
system.debug.mode.log.passwords |
When debug mode is enabled, also log passwords. This can be a security risk. |
system.debug.mode.log.api.requests |
When debug mode is enabled, also log product API requests/responses. The data is logged as is and will contain plaintext passwords. This can be a security risk. |
system.hyperv.optimize.queries |
Hyper-V only. Instructs to use a faster query method to read VM and host information. This will speed up the refresh process in large environments. |
| |
Hyper-V only. Sets the max parallel threads to run when refreshing cluster hosts during discovery. Each cluster host can be refreshed separately. This will speed up the refresh process in large environments. |
system.hyperv.discovery.vm.thread.count |
Hyper-V only. Sets the max parallel threads to run when refreshing host VMs during discovery. When increasing the setting value, make sure to test its impact on host CPU usage during refresh. This will speed up the refresh process in large environments. |
system.database.scheduled.backup.path |
Specifies the target path for database backups. The tenant databases will be stored in subfolders, if present. The path can be local or absolute. The folder will be created automatically if it does not exist. |
system.database.scheduled.backup.max.count |
Specifies the maximum number of files for periodic database backups. The number is applied separately to each tenant database. The master and tenants product databases are backed up each day. |
system.logging.max.index |
Specifies the maximum index of log files. This works globally for all log files. Set 0 to use default value (configured in log4j.xml). |
| |
Specifies the minimum free space (bytes) for the product installation folder. If the free space goes below this value, an alarm is generated. |
| |
Specifies the minimum ratio for JVM free memory. If the free JVM memory goes below this value, an alarm is generated. |
system.nutanix.discovery.vm.thread.count |
Nutanix AHV only. Sets the max parallel threads to run when refreshing host VMs during discovery. When increasing the setting value, make sure to test its impact on host CPU usage during refresh. This will speed up the refresh process in large environments. |
| |
AWS only. Sets the max parallel threads to run when refreshing the AWS Regions during discovery. When increasing the setting value, make sure to test its influence on host CPU usage during refresh. This will speed up the refresh process in large environments. |
| |
AWS only. Sets the max parallel threads to run when refreshing other AWS entities inside the Region during discovery. When increasing the setting value, make sure to test its influence on host CPU usage during refresh. This will speed up the refresh process in large environments. |
system.plugin.flr.operation.timeout.seconds |
Specifies the timeout (seconds) to wait for plugin session FLR/OLR. This is a low-level setting that is only sent to Transporter and used during iSCSI interaction. |
system.physical.skip.os.checking |
Physical Windows host discovery only. When enabled, the system will not check the supported OS version. |
| |
When enabled, the system will not automatically install VC redistributable during Transporter/agent injection. |
system.transporter.load.max.time.created.state.hours |
Specifies the timeout (hours) to wait for getting Transporter load request. Default is 5 hours. |
system.transporter.modern.min.heap.size.megabyte |
Megabytes. The -Xms option sets the initial and minimum Java heap size. The Java heap (the “heap”) is the part of the memory where blocks of memory are allocated to objects and freed during garbage collection. Note: Transporter restart is required to apply the setting. |
system.transporter.modern.max.heap.size.megabyte |
Megabytes. This option sets the maximum Java heap size. The Java heap (the “heap”) is the part of the memory where blocks of memory are allocated to objects and freed during garbage collection. Depending on the kind of operating system you are running, the maximum value you can set for the Java heap can vary. Notes: -Xmx does not limit the total amount of memory that the JVM can use. Transporter restart is required to apply the setting. |
system.transporter.modern.thread.stack.size.kilobyte |
Kilobytes. -Xss sets the thread stack size. Thread stacks are memory areas allocated for each Java thread for their internal use. This is where the thread stores its local execution state. Note: Transporter restart is required to apply the setting. |
system.transporter.modern.job.handler.max.thread.count |
Specifies the job thread count for modern Transporter. Notes:
system.transporter.modern.service.handler.max.thread.count |
Specifies the service thread count for modern Transporter.
system.transporter.jvm.ram.requirement |
system.transporter.modern.thread.pool.size |
Specifies the session factory thread pool size for modern Transporter. Note: Transporter restart is required to apply the setting. |
system.deleted.users.groups.remove.frequency |
Specifies the scheduled time for removing unnecessary deleted users, groups (in second). |
system.inventory.allow.duplicated |
Microsoft 365 and physical machines only. When enabled, the system allows duplicated discovery items. |
system.inventory.optimize.discovery.time |
Microsoft 365 (SharePoint Online) only. When enabled, the system skips some attributes to optimize the discovery time. |
system.o365.suppress.throttling.event |
Suppress throttling warning. |
system.event.skip.creating.event.list |
List of event/alarm/notification names to skip when creating an event. The event is still logged and handled. Use space or , or ; as separators. The names can be found in events.log. |
Event names (example: error60) | |
Use Windows Event log integration. Some product events will also be created in the Application log. This setting is global and can only be changed inside the master tenant. |
| |
When enabled, you can recover Exchange items without using a recovery server. For example, you can download items to the browser or forward them to a certain email. To do this, select Download items or forward via email on the Destination page of the job wizard and then select the appropriate recovery type on the Options page. |
system.olr.dsamain.mount.port |
TCP port where DSAMAIN mounts NTDS.dit (AD database) for. |
| |
When enabled, the product will not send data bundles every 30 days. |
system.repository.skip.periodic.refresh.on.transporter.busy.with.job |
When enabled and any Transporter repository is locked by a running job, the product skips periodic refresh for this Transporter repository. |
| |
PQL file name in the userdata folder. Empty by default. If empty, the file will be downloaded from web. |
system.pql.cache.ttl.hours |
Time to keep PQL file cache, in hours. Use 0 to disable the cache. |
| |
Allows using newer Transporter versions. |
system.transporter.allow.old |
Allows using older (outdated) Transporter versions. |
system.transporter.modern.idle.timeout |
Specifies the timeout (milliseconds) for modern Transporter IDLE. If you set it to 0, it will be an unlimited timeout, meaning the transporter can only be stopped manually. Note: Transporter restart is required to apply the setting. |
system.volatile.object.processing.type |
Default: try to remove the volatile objects periodically until their time to live (fixed) is reached. Alternative: fine-tune the settings. See the other system.volatile.object variables. The setting is global and can be changed inside the master tenant only. |
system.volatile.object.retry.count |
Alternative processing type only. The maximum number of retries for volatile objects removal. 0 means no retries, so only one removal attempt will happen. The setting is global and can be changed inside the master tenant only. |
system.volatile.object.retry.interval |
Alternative processing type only. Minutes. The desired delay between each removal retry. The real delay depends on the queue and on the exponential retry factor (configurable). The setting is global and can be changed inside the master tenant only. |
system.volatile.object.exponential.retry.interval.factor |
Alternative processing type only. The ratio to use when calculating the delay time for the next retry. The next delay equals interval * (factor^retry). Example: the interval is 60 minutes, the factor is 2. The first retry will happen in +60 minutes, the second in +240 minutes , ... . The setting is global and can be changed inside the master tenant only. |
system.visual.notification.service.disable |
Disables the visual notification service. This can speed up the UI when the database contains many event entries. This setting is global and can be changed inside the master tenant only. |
system.msp.console.listening.port |
TCP port used by the MSP product for listening to remote tenants. Port 6702 is used by default. |
| |
Use Windows Event log integration. Some product events will also be created in the Application log. The setting is global and can be changed inside the master tenant only. |
system.transporter.load.path.cost.variation.percent |
Percent. Specifies the allowed data path cost variation. During the job run, automatic transporter selection may happen. The first step is to choose the top N (by cost in milliseconds) data paths. The second step is to choose the best data path based on the lowest transporter load. For example, 20 paths were found based on round trip time between source and target host. If the setting is 10%, the best path cost is 2 (N=2), then only paths with costs in range 2 ... 2.2 (2+0.2) will be chosen on the first step. The setting is global and can be changed inside the master tenant only. |
| |
The setting is applicable only to VMware vSphere infrastructure. If enabled, the detection of VM IP address via DNS resolution will be skipped. Note: Detection of VM IP address via DNS resolution is applied in case VMware Tools are not installed on the VM. |
system.job.default.retention.approach |
Schedule-retention fusion: New backup and backup copy jobs will use the new schedule-retention step. Legacy: New backup and backup copy jobs will use the legacy schedule and retention steps. |
| |
If set, infrastructure refresh will be skipped during job run. |
| | If set, new source items will not be added to the job automatically. |
system.transporter.min.connect.timeout.seconds | Specifies the minimum connect timeout (seconds) for transporter connection. Set 0 to use default value in the product (90 seconds). |
system.transporter.min.write.timeout.seconds | Specifies the minimum write timeout (seconds) for transporter command. Set 0 to use default value in the product (60 seconds). |
system.transporter.min.idle.timeout.seconds | Specifies the minimum read idle timeout (seconds) for transporter command. Set 0 to use default value in the product (300 seconds). |
| | Use Syslog log integration. The product events will be copied to the remote log. The setting is global and can be changed inside the master tenant only |
| | Specifies the Syslog server hostname. The setting is global and can be changed inside the master tenant only. |
| | Specifies the Syslog server port. syslog-udp usually uses port 514, syslog-tls usually uses port 6514. The setting is global and can be changed inside the master tenant only. |
| | Specifies the transport for sending Syslog messages. The setting is global and can be changed inside the master tenant only. |
| | Milliseconds. Specifies the connect timeout when connecting to the Syslog server, TCP/TLS case. The setting is global and can be changed inside the master tenant only. |
| |
Specifies the facility to be used in Syslog messages. Facility code Keyword Description 0 kern Kernel messages 1 user User-level messages 2 mail Mail system 3 daemon System daemons 4 auth Security/authentication messages 5 syslog Messages generated internally by syslogd 6 lpr Line printer subsystem 7 news Network news subsystem 8 uucp UUCP subsystem 9 cron Cron subsystem 10 authpriv Security/authentication messages 11 ftp FTP daemon 12 ntp NTP subsystem 13 security Log audit 14 console Log alert 15 solaris-cron Scheduling daemon 16–23 local0 – local7 Locally used facilities The setting is global and can be changed inside the master tenant only. |
| | Specifies a custom source application name to be used in Syslog messages. Leave blank for default. The setting is global and can be changed inside the master tenant only. |
| | Specifies a custom source host name to be used in Syslog messages. Some Syslog cloud services may use this field to transmit a secret key. Leave blank for default. The setting is global and can be changed inside the master tenant only. |
| | Specifies the message format to be used in Syslog messages. RFC 5424 has more fields and is used by rsyslog by default. The setting is global and can be changed inside the master tenant only. |
| | Specifies the message style to be used for Syslog messages. The setting is global and can be changed inside the master tenant only. |
Configuring Actions View
Click the Actions tab to configure the following actions:
Remove all events: By clicking the link, you can remove all events/alarms/etc for the current tenant.
Forget all passwords (except users): By clicking the link, you can set the stored passwords to “” for the current tenant items. The only exception is user passwords; they must be set manually.
Clean up job history: By clicking the link, you can immediately apply the configured Store job history for the last setting.
In the text box, you can see the report on the actions.
Example 1
Request 1: sending (Remove all events)...
Request 1: success=true (Remove all events).
Example 2
Request 1: sending (Forget all passwords (except users))...
Request 1: success=true (Forget all passwords (except users)).
Example 3
Request 1: sending (Clean up job history)...
Request 1: success=true (Clean up job history).
By clicking the Packages tab, you can see the following information:
Base local path: packages. Location of packages in product installation directory
List of Existing packages
List of Supported packages