Creating VMware Real-Time Replication (Beta) Jobs

With NAKIVO Backup & Replication, you can create real-time replication (RTR) jobs for VMware. Unlike regular replication jobs, real-rime replication jobs for VMware continuously copy data from the source host as it is being generated.

Before creating RTR jobs for VMware, make sure that you have installed the I/O Filter on the source host and the Journal Service on the target host. For more information on the prerequisites to creating RTR jobs for VMware, see the Real-Time Replication (Beta) for VMware section in Feature Requirements.

To create a real-time replication job for VMware, click the plus Create button in the Data Protection menu and then select Real-time replication (beta) for VMware.


  • VMware VM involved in a RTR job cannot be concurrently processed by other jobs.

The New Real-Tme Replication Job Wizard for VMware opens. Complete the wizard to create a real-time replication job for VMware VMs.