Updating on Windows

If auto-update within the NAKIVO Backup & Replication interface is not supported, follow the steps below to update the product manually:

  1. Download the latest Windows updater from here.

  2. Make sure that no jobs or repository maintenance tasks are running in the product.

    If NAKIVO Backup & Replication is installed on a VM, create a snapshot of the VM before updating the product.

  3. Run the updater on the machine on which the Director is installed, and also on all machines on which you have additionally deployed a Transporter.

  4. Optionally, you can select the Master password checkbox and enter the password that will be used to generate a pre-shared key and secure the Transporter. This option is available only for the Transporter-only update.


    • The master password must adhere to the following requirements:

      • Minimal length - 5 characters.

      • Maximum length - 50 characters.

    • The master password can be set and re-set manually by running the command on the machine housing the Transporter. Follow these steps:

      • Enter the following command bhsvc -b P@ssword123

      • Restart the Transporter service.

  5. Optionally, you can select the Transporter certificate checkbox. This allows you to use a CA Certificate. Enter the path to the folder containing the certificate file in the field.


    • When the checkbox is not selected, NAKIVO Backup & Replication automatically installs a self-signed certificate.

    • If the Transporter Certificate checkbox is not selected, a warning window appears prompting you to install it. Click Continue to proceed.

  6. Click Update.

  7. When the update is complete, click Finish.

  8. If you have entered the new master password on step 4, do the following:

    1. Go to Settings > Transporters and click on the Transporter you have changed the master password for.

    2. Select Edit.

    3. Enter the new master password and click Connect.

    4. The Certificate Acceptance dialog box appears. Verify the certificate details, and click Accept.

    5. Click Apply to save the changes.

    6. Click on the same Transporter once again and select Refresh to refresh the Transporter.