Installing on Generic ARM-Based Devices

NAKIVO Backup & Replication can be deployed on ARMv7/ARMv8 computers by downloading and running an appropriate script within a Linux-based OS supported by NAKIVO Backup & Replication.

  1. Download a package suitable for your setup from the downloads page.


    Installing the NAKIVO Backup & Replication instance on your ARM-based backup appliance requires accurate knowledge of the hardware system information.

    Refer to the following page to learn how to identify your ARM-based device CPU model: How to Identify the CPU Architecture of a Generic ARM-Based Device.

  2. Upload the installer file to the machine on which you wish to install NAKIVO Backup & Replication in the binary transfer mode. For example:

    1. Upload the installer from a Windows-based machine

    2. Upload the product from a Linux-based machine: run the following command: wget 'server_ip/shared/NAKIVO Backup_&_Replication v8.5.0.30224'

  1. Log in to the Linux machine and allow for the execution of the installer file.

    chmod +x ./NAKIVO Backup_&_Replication v8.5.0.30224

  2. Execute the installer file with root privileges. 

    sudo ./NAKIVO Backup_&_Replication v8.5.0.30224

  3. Accept the License Agreement by typing [Y] and hit Enter. You can review the license agreement by typing [R]. Rejecting [N] the license agreement will terminate the installation process and the product will not be installed.

  4. The system will notify you when the installation is successfully completed.

    Refer to Getting Started to better understand how to continue working with NAKIVO Backup & Replication.