Importing System Configuration Using External Database Fails
Product version: 10.11
Last modified: 26 March 2024
When trying to import system configuration using the external database, the following error appears:
Import has failed: Current product installation uses H2 database while the bundle contains data from the external database.
This error means that the current NAKIVO Backup & Replication installation uses the H2 database while self-backup contains data from the external database.
To solve the issue, do the following:
Switch to a new empty external database. Refer to Database-Options for details.
Go to the Settings > General > System Settings tab.
Click to open the Configuration tab.
Import the system configuration to your current instance of NAKIVO Backup & Replication.
Reload the product to be able to connect to such a database and initialize it.
Note that by using the suggested workaround you run stability risks in some cases.