Physical Machine Backup: Unsupported Volumes
Product version: 9.1
Last modified: 05 September 2019
During a physical machine backup job, the following error message appears:
The "X" machine contains unsupported volumes.
This machine contains unsupported volumes. Source data will be read from such volumes directly (without snapshots). This may influence recovery point consistency.
If a physical source machine contains unsupported basic/dynamic/logical disk volumes or a file system, the above error message appears. In this case, a physical machine backup job will be started but the source data will be read directly from the volumes not the snapshots, which may influence recovery point consistency. Below is the list of the volumes supported by NAKIVO Backup & Replication for physical machine backup jobs.
Windows OS
On Windows, NAKIVO Backup & Replication supports basic and dynamic disks with the following volume layouts:
Simple: This is a portion of a physical disk that functions as a separate unit. It can consist of a single region on a disk or multiple regions linked together on the same disk.
Spanned: This combines areas of unallocated space from multiple disks into one logical volume.
Striped (RAID-0): This is created by interleaving data across two or more physical disks. The data on this type of volume is allocated alternately and evenly to each of the physical disks. Striping is also known as RAID-0, which stripes data across multiple disks.
Mirrored (RAID-1): This is a fault-tolerant volume that provides data redundancy by using two copies of the volume to duplicate the data that is stored on the volume. Mirroring is also known as RAID-1.
Use the Disk Management tool to view and manage your dynamic volumes.
Linux OS
On Linux, NAKIVO Backup & Replication supports only LVM volumes of the following types:
Linear: This isa logical volume made by combining multiple physical volumes into one.
Striped (RAID-0): In a striped logical volume, data in the underlying physical volume is striped across the number of physical disks.
Mirrored (RAID-1): These logical volumes are similar to RAID-1 in which data is mirrored across the number of disks to provide better redundancy for the data.
Use LVM CLI commands to view and manage your LVM logical volumes.
To learn about the supported file systems, refer to the physical machine requirements section in the Supported Platforms article.