VMware VM Backup Error in SAN Mode

Product version: 10.2 

Last modified: 7 October 2020


When backing up a VM with the SAN transport mode enabled, the backup job fails with the following error:

Backup of the "X" VM has failed.

An internal error has occurred while backing up the "X" VM. 


Sometimes after a failed job run, for example, if the Transporter has no access to the iSCSI target, redundant folders or files can appear in the  /bh-vddk folders. These folders/files can cause errors and need to be removed reclusively.


NAKIVO Backup & Replication uses 3 VDDK. In a normal state, the folders should contain only 2 files: 

  • debug.cfg

  • vddk.cfg

Thus, the leftover folders must be deleted from 3 VDDK folders, all of which can be found in NAKIVO Backup & Replication installation folder. The following are the example paths to VDDK folders for Linux:

  • /opt/nakivo/transporter/bh-vddk/

  • /opt/nakivo/transporter/vddk60/bh-vddk/

  • /opt/nakivo/transporter/vddk67/bh-vddk/

After you’re done, restart the Transporter service.