Mailbox Processing Failed Because Autodiscover Service Could Not Be Located

Product version: 10.8

Last modified: 23 March 2023


NAKIVO Backup & Replication fails to process/view a mailbox during the Object Recovery for Microsoft Exchange job with the following error:

The Autodiscover service couldn't be located.

Export Exchange certificates from the Exchange admin center and add them to Trusted Root Certification Authorities Store via MMC. 


To successfully process mailboxes during the Object Recovery for Microsoft Exchange job, all Exchange Certificates must be located in a Trusted Root Certification Authorities Store.


To solve the issue, take the following steps:

  1. Open the Exchange admin center and go to Servers > Certificates.

  2. In the Select server list, click Export Exchange certificate. If your Exchange admin center does not have this option, follow the instructions outlined in the Note below step 3.

  3. In the Export Exchange certificate window, enter the UNC path and password. Click OK.


    If your Exchange admin center does not have the Export Exchange certificate option, you will need to use the Exchange Management Shell (EMS) to export a certificate. Run EMS as Administrator and input the following commands:

    $cert = Export-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint Thumbprint -BinaryEncoded -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'Password' -AsPlainText -Force) [-Server ServerName]

    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes('Filepath', $cert.FileData)

    Where Thumbprint is the certificate's thumbprint, Password is the certificate's password, ServerName is the server the certificate is located on, and Filepath is the desired file or UNC path to the exported certificate. If the certificate is located on the local Exchange server, the [-Server ServerName] portion is not required. Examples for the UNC/file path syntax are:

    • 'C:\Data\cert.pfx'

    • '\\Server\Data\cert.pfx'

    If you do not know the certificate's thumbprint, you can check by running one of the commands below. If the certificate is located on the local server, use the first command.


    Get-ExchangeCertificate -Server ServerName

    The resulting output lists each certificate and its respective thumbprint.

  4. In the Start menu, click Run and enter MMC.

  5. In the File menu, click Add/Remove Snap-In.

  6. Click Certificates (Local Computer) in the left pane of the MMC.

  7. The Certificates snap-in window opens. Select Computer account and click Next.

  8. In the Select Computer window, select Local computer and click Finish.

  9. In the Add/Remove Snap-In window, click OK.

  10. Expand Trusted Root Certification Authorities in the Certificates (Local Computer) menu, right-click the Certificates sub-folder and select All tasks > Import. Follow the Certificate Import Wizard until the end to finish importing your Exchange certificate.

The imported certificate appears on the list.


Note that these actions must be applied to all Exchange Certificates.

If the same or similar issue persists after following the above steps, see this article.