Difference Between Source and Target Transporters

Product version: 9.1

Last modified: 19 September 2019


What is the difference between a Source Transporter and a Target Transporter?


A Source Transporter:

  • reads data from the source Datastore during backup or replication

  • reads data from the Backup Repository during recovery

  • reads data from the source Backup Repository during a backup copy job

A Target Transporter:

  • writes data to the Backup Repository during backup

  • writes data to the target Datastore during replication or recovery

  • writes data to the target Backup Repository during a backup copy job

One Transporter can perform the function of the Source Transporter and the Target Transporter at the same time.

You can deploy multiple Transporters if you want to

  • Send data over WAN more efficiently. In this case, install one Transporter in your Source Site and another Transporter in your Target Site. You can then use Network Acceleration between the pair of Transporters.

  • Back up/replicate more VMs simultaneously. By deploying more Transporters, you can distribute the workload among Transporters and back up/replicate more VMs simultaneously.