
Product version: 10.11

Last modified: 31 July 2024

Authorizes the user.



Request Example

Request Fields

Field Type Value(s)
action string
method string
data array Username, password, remember_me
type string rpc
tid integer 1


Field Type Description
username string Username for login
password string Password
remember_me boolean If true keeps the user logged in. If false logs the user out within a timeout (10 minutes by default)

Response Sample

Response Fields

Field Value Description
message string Message if the request failed
where string Reference to the method where the problem occurred
cause string Cause of failure
result string Result of the request
reason string If the request failed, the reason for the failure
firstTime boolean Checks if the user logs in for the first time
productConfigured boolean Checks if the product properly configured
id int User ID
name string Username
isMasterAdmin boolean Checks if the user has master admin privileges
isAdmin boolean Checks if the user has admin privileges
permissions array The list of user's permissions
tid int Transaction ID
email string User's email (null if not stated)
firstLoginRelative int Time since the first login (in seconds)
canTry JSON Checks if the user can log in. The user can be blocked after unsuccessful attempts.
isPossible boolean If true the user can log in
waitTimeLeft int If the user is blocked, returns the time left till the next retry can be made
failedAttempts int The number of failed attempts