Container Protection
VMs can be organized into containers, such as resource pools, clusters, and folders. This form of organization allows you to easily add resources upon request and unload them when they are no longer necessary. NAKIVO Backup & Replication allows you to add an entire container to a backup or replication job. All changes in the container (i.e. adding to or removing from) are automatically reflected in a backup or replication job. Thus, all important VMs are continuously protected. If certain VMs inside a container are not required to be backed up or replicated frequently, you can exclude them from a backup or replication job. The container will still be protected but will not include less important VMs. This will save space in the Backup Repository and increase the speed of backup or replication jobs. For example, you set up a backup job for a cluster to run daily, but this cluster contains a couple of rather massive VMs that do not require frequent backups; you can edit the job by excluding those VMs. NAKIVO Backup & Replication will ask you whether to keep or remove backups made on previous job runs.