Local Tenant Creation Wizard: Tenant

On this page of the wizard, you can provide a name for the local tenant, assign licenses to the local tenant, and enter or edit contact information for the local tenant. Additionally, the master tenant can enable VM Limitation for the new local tenant. When this option is enabled, the tenant cannot exceed the number of allocated VMs for the purpose of backup and replication. Tenants can see the number of allocated and used VMs in the licensing tab and in the job creation wizard.

Proceed as follows:

  1. To add a tenant logo, click Change tenant logo, navigate to a new image, select it, and click Open. The uploaded image is resized and displayed on the right side of the page.

  2. In the Tenant name field, enter a name for the local tenant. By default, the tenant name is displayed under the tenant logo. If you do not want the tenant name to be displayed, deselect the Display tenant name checkbox.

  3. Optionally, in the Labels field, select the tags you want to assign to the tenant. Additionally, you can enter the name of the new label in the field and click Create new label to create and add it to the Labels field automatically.

  4. In case the Trial or Subscription license is installed, do the following:

    1. In the Workloads allocated field, enter the number of workloads you want to assign to the local tenant.

    2. In the Microsoft 365 users allocated field, enter the number of Microsoft 365 users you want to assign to the local tenant.

  5. In case a Perpetual license is installed, do the following:

    1. In the Sockets allocated field, enter the number of sockets you want to assign to the local tenant.

      1. Optionally, enable the Limit number of protected VMs option.

        In case the option is not available, make sure that the feature requirements are met.

      2. Enter the number of protected VMs for the tenant.

        Even with VM limitation enabled, licenses are counted on a per-socket basis.

    2. In the Physical servers allocated field, enter the number of physical server licenses you want to assign to the local tenant.

    3. In the Physical workstations allocated field, enter the number of physical workstation licenses you want to assign to the local tenant.

    4. In the Microsoft 365 users allocated field, enter the number of Microsoft 365 users you want to assign to the local tenant.

    5. In the Oracle databases allocated field, enter the number of Oracle Database licenses you want to assign to the local tenant.

  6. Optionally, in the Contact email field, enter the email address of the local tenant.

  7. Optionally, in the Contact phone field, enter the phone number of the local tenant.

  8. Optionally, in the Website field, enter the website URL of the local tenant.

  9. Optionally, in the Address field, enter the address of the local tenant.

  10. Click Next to proceed to the Inventory page or Save to save the changes.