SaaS Backup Repository is Inaccessible After Power Outage or Forced Reboot

Product version: 10.2

Last modified: 16 April 2021


When running a Microsoft 365 job to the existing SaaS Backup Repository, the job fails with the unknown error while processing the Backup Repository. 


The cause of this problem can be related to a PostgreSQL database which is used for SaaS Backup Repositories. Sometimes, due to power outages or other technical issues, the self-healing process for the PostgreSQL database gets enabled. When the PostgreSQL database is in the self-healing mode the SaaS Backup Repository related to it becomes unavailable. 


To resolve this issue, you need to wait for the self-healing process to finish. Once the database is restored, you can successfully run Microsoft 365 jobs. Note that if a major corruption was done, the self-healing process can take much time (up to 2 days).