Creating a Backup Repository on NFS, FTP, or iSCSI

Product version: 10.0

Last modified: 13 July 2020


Is it possible to create a Backup Repository on NFS share, FTP server, or iSCSI LUN?


Yes, you can create a Backup Repository on NFS share. To do that, you don’t have to mount the share manually.

To create a Backup Repository on FTP, iSCSI, or any other remote storage:

  • Mount the storage to a local folder on the machine on which the Transporter is installed.

  • Create a Backup Repository in NAKIVO Backup & Replication by specifying the path on the local folder.

To avoid disrupting NAKIVO Backup & Replication processes and to avoid data corruption, add the application to the whitelist/exclusions list of the antivirus software running on the machine on which the NAKIVO Backup & Replication backup repository is set up.