Cannot Create a Backup Repository on an NFS Share
Product version: 9.3
Last modified: 25 May 2020
I cannot create a Backup Repository on an NFS share with NAKIVO Backup & Replication. The Backup Repository creation fails with an error.
A Backup Repository is a folder used by NAKIVO Backup & Replication to store VM backups. When you create a Backup Repository, NAKIVO Backup & Replication creates a folder named “NakivoBackup” in the specified location and stores backup data and metadata in that folder.
Make sure that:
The folder where you want to create the Backup Repository already exists on the share.
You have read and write permissions to the share.
You have provided the right mount path to the share.
The "Squash" option is set to "map all users to admin".
You can access the share from the machine on which the Transporter is installed.
Try using the IP address of the share server instead of the hostname to eliminate possible DNS issues.
If this doesn’t help, send a support bundle to NAKIVO Support.